I have two sons, I have planted quite many trees, could I count this blog as a book? Probably not, but I was always tempted to write one. My excuse is that because my current lifestyle does not allow me to write that book, in the meantime I have decided to start this blog. Whenever I feel like or get inspired I will post here some personal notes, anecdotes, thoughts and experiences, mostly my own, but someone else’s too, with no other aim than to share some stories (new and old) with whoever wants to and has the patience to go through them. I will try to make long stories short, but sorry, I may come with a long snore from time to time.

I am not intending to write anything too committed, deep or transcendent. The aim is to remember, to think, and to tell about experiences in sports, football (soccer) and scuba diving in particular, travel, gastronomy, history, photography, music, reading, cinema, my business, my career and other that may flow from the keypad.
This blog is also an attempt at keeping in touch with the good friends that I left on the other side of the Atlantic.

For those who do not know me or those that do not know it, Perkele is one of the nicks I have gathered during my life and that is still being used by my friends of Penya Wembley. I was deservedly tagged when I got back to Catalonia cursing in Finnish after living for nine great months in Finland. To carry such a nick is quite shocking to a Finn (it might be a subject for a future post), but luckily they do not know it and I don’t think there will be that many Finns that get to know the existence of this blog.
I hope that you enjoy your time reading any of my posts and that you will help me to improve them with your inputs and comments.
Joan Andreu
By the way, the featured picture of this post was made by my elder son Pere at the Grand Canyon, one of the most impressive places I have ever been to.